Charles's Story
Charles has been in recovery for 38 years and helps individuals with SUD as an addiction therapist. “Recovery is my work, it’s my ministry,” he says. “Recovery actually works, but you have to work at it.”
Jake's Story
Jake’s years in recovery have been the best in his life. He encourages health care providers to take a moment for a conversation and to offer recovery resources to patients with SUD. He suggests, “speak plainly, but speak with heart.”
Javier's Story
Javier cares for his children and works at an HVAC company. An ED doctor helped him connect with an outpatient program and start his recovery. He had “been stigmatized before,” he says, but he did call the program “because it really showed me that somebody cared.”
Dr. Malcho's Story
Jade Malcho, MD, an emergency physician certified in addiction medicine, expresses the opportunity to make a difference.
Patrick's Story
Patrick, a construction worker who is 8 years in recovery, was highly stigmatized in the ED until a welcoming encounter with an ED provider who showed genuine interest in him.
Stephanie's Story
Stephanie, a mother and homeowner who is 6 years in recovery, shares her experiences and achievements.